As nice as the last few weeks were, (and they were nice, flipflops and shorts were great!) winter decided to give us a little more of that white powder we are all so much addicted to. It all started out with a fantastic windstorm bringing the red desert dust up to the mountains. This picture was not taken at sunset as it appears but about 4 hours before sunset. Nothing but a nice layer of dust everywhere.
After all the dust the sky turned more white and we ended up with a pretty good amount of snow for the week. I think many were ready for nice temps but the snow was definatly welcome. Here Little Wasatch enjoys some sun and a nice breeze.

A little glimpse into my new favorite secret stash. If you can identify it I'll buy you a beer and a shot!

This is one of those great lines on the mountain that doesn't really ever get skied. Everyone has probably looked at it at one time but not wanted to spend the time on that lift to actually ski it. Maybe it's not always worth it, but it's nice to ski all the good lines on the mountain at least once a season, so this was my once for the year.

And finally, Billy about to be gifted by mother nature. Dick deep powder turns for his birthday. Awesome!!